I try to pray; words don’t come.I toss and turn and feel nothing.My mind is dry, my heart is dull, my soul longs for life.Hear my silent cry, my God, hear me.Let me not be a shriveled reed or an empty shell.Breathe on me and make me whole.Give me passion that I may love.Then shall my tongue praise your holy namewith words I do not yet know.So be it.
- Vienna Cobb Anderson
3You have a mighty arm;
strong is your hand, high your right hand.
14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.
15Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
who walk, O LORD, in the light of your face,
16who exult in your name all the day
and in your righteousness are exalted.
17For you are the glory of their strength;
by your favor our horn is exalted.
18For our shield belongs to the LORD,
our king to the Holy One of Israel.
Psalm 89 – English Standard Version
Readings for today from the Daily Lectionary
(click on underlined link to go directly to the reading)
Isaiah 65:17-25 - 2 Timothy 3:1-17 - Luke 12:13-31
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