Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lord, give me strength when every fiber of my body cries out in protest. When my impulse is to cave in "just this once" bolster my willpower. I am a creature of habit, Lord. Help me find new, pure ones to replace the old. And until those are second nature, bear me up when my resolve is tested and tried. Help me see beyond this moment - to sacrifice this small, fleeting pleasure for my future good - to preserve this temple You have bestowed upon me. Amen.
(Susan Scott)

1 How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6 I will sing to the LORD,
for he has been good to me.
Psalm 135 New International Version

Readings for today from the Daily Lectionary
(click on underlined link to go directly to the reading):
Job 30:1-2, 16-31Acts 14:19-28John 11:1-16

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