Light of the world, shine forth on us and banish our fears and fickleness. As you are a gift freely given, remind us that as your children, our generosity should be untarnished by the expectations of rewards. Let each gift given this season be unadulterated by the need for reciprocity. Keep us from counting -- our loses, our gains, our goods, our bads, our costs, our profits. Instead we give you the record book so that you may judge us according to your standards, not our own. Amen.
(Thomas Merton)
1 You showed favor to your land, O LORD;
you restored the fortunes of Jacob.
2 You forgave the iniquity of your people
and covered all their sins.
3 You set aside all your wrath
and turned from your fierce anger.
4 Restore us again, O God our Savior,
and put away your displeasure toward us.
5 Will you be angry with us forever?
Will you prolong your anger through all generations?
7 Show us your unfailing love, O LORD,
and grant us your salvation.
Psalm 85 New International Version
Readings for today from the Daily Lectionary
(click on underlined link to go directly to the reading):
Zechariah 2:1-13 – Revelation 3:14-22 - Matthew 24:32-44
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